Rude Karma Logo

Rude Karma

The app that gives you your horoscope in a sassy tone. Me-ow!

Join in on the fun today by downloading to your phone.

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Frequently Asked Questions

About the App:

What is Rude Karma?
Rude Karma is a unique horoscope app that brings you astrological readings with a sassy twist.
How does it work?
Rude Karma harnesses astrological insights, astrological calendars, and writers, all combined with AI, to deliver horoscopes in both rude and nice tones.
How does Rude Karma utilize user data?
We use birth details to generate personalized horoscopes and do not access third-party data.
Does Rude Karma sell user data?
No, we value your privacy and do not sell user data.
How does Rude Karma make money?
The app is free with ads.


What are the Daily Horoscopes?
Get a new daily horoscope for your sign in a rude or nice tone, or snoop on another sign.
What is the Weekly Focus?
A self-betterment focus of the week, whether it's a meditation or exercise.
What are Lunar phases and Celestial Phases?
Get horoscope predictions for the moon and other celestial events.

The Company:

Who is behind Rude Karma?
The Rude Brand is behind Rude Karma. We aim to bring lifestyle improvement applications with a tough-love, crass attitude.


I'm facing an issue with the app. How can I get help?
Users who need support can contact us at
How can I provide feedback or suggestions?
Users who want to leave feedback can contact us at
How can I delete my account?
Users can delete their account by navigating to the bottom of their edit profile page and clicking the "Delete Account" button.